1-800-4-DOLPHIN (1-800-436-5744)

SSI Open Water Diver - Certification Dives

Complete your SSI Open Water Dive Certification with Part 2, your open water evaluation.

Part 2 (Open Water Certification Dives)

Your Open Water Certification Dives are the final step of your SSI Open Water Diver Certification. This is four (4) dives conducted in open water under an instructor’s supervision. You will display your newly mastered skills during 2 dives per day over the course of 2 days. There are 3 typical venues to complete your dives in Northern California, availability of which is dependent on water conditions and time of year. From late spring until early fall we are generally able to utilize our local lake options, Monterey, or Lake Tahoe. Monterey is available to us year-round, as conditions such as temperature and visibility are relatively consistent.

Another option is to complete your Open Water Certification Dives in a spectacular dive destination. Get certified on one of our Dolphin escorted Dive Trips and get a leap ahead on your training. After certifying, you’ll have the opportunity to complete a number of dives to solidify your skills and in water comfort. Additionally, choosing a warm water location for your certification dives can significantly enhance your learning experience.

If neither of the above options work for you, or if you already have a travel destination planned, let us know and we can issue a Letter of Referral which allows you to finish your certification dives at any SSI Affiliated Dive Center. Completing your class and pool training before your vacation is the best way to optimize your vacation time and dive opportunities.

SCUBA equipment needed for the SSI Open Water Diver course not mentioned above is available for rental or purchase. Students will need to have a regulator with a dive computer, buoyancy compensation device, tanks, wetsuit, hood, gloves, and weights. While you are a student enrolled in a class at Dolphin, you will receive the “1 Day” rate for any weekend rental. Please see the Open Water Class Rental Prices for more information.

Learn with your own equipment - continuously renting equipment means almost never diving in a familiar set, resulting in an additional learning curve at the beginning of every dive trip. We highly recommend learning to dive with your own set of equipment. Full equipment packages start around $2,500 and enhance your full diving experience. SCUBA diving is like any other sport, having your own equipment adds to your comfort and enjoyment.

Rescheduling/Cancellation Policy:
Classes begin promptly at their scheduled time, please check your itinerary or contact us any time with your questions. You must complete all of Part 1 (class and pool sessions) before you are eligible for Part 2 (open water dives). However, if it becomes necessary to cancel a lesson, make-up sessions can be scheduled with an Instructor for an additional cost of $30.00 per hour. A seven-days notice is required to cancel or reschedule a class without penalty. Cancellations less than seven days before class will incur a charge of 50% tuition. Cancellations less than three days before class will forfeit all tuition paid. All tuition is non-refundable after class begins, whether the course is completed or not. Rescheduling due to needing a physician's release is still subject to our rescheduling policy above.