SSI Scuba Explorers - Civic Explorer
A continuation of the SCUBA Explorer program: Diving is an amazing experience, and one that we want to preserve and improve for all! Explorers will learn about how to care for our dive sites and why that is important. This class includes a land-based compass clinic that will take kids on a treasure hunt and wraps up with a BBQ lunch to reward ourselves for a job well done!
What To Do Before Class:
Participants must have already completed the introductory, three day SSI Scuba Explorers Program. All waivers must be signed and there must be a current parent or guardian-signed waiver on file.
If it has been close or at least one year since last completed, please update the Diver Medical / Participant Questionnaire at:
What to Expect In Class
Students will meet at a local Sacramento dive site to observe an Open Water certification class as they prepare and brief for their dive before they get into the water. The students will then again be able to observe as the class comes up and are debriefed by their instructor. While that class is in the water, the Explorers will do their civic duty and conduct a dive-site clean up.
The class also will include a land-based compass clinic that will introduce navigation skills as students find their way to hidden prizes.
The Saturday dive sight clean up will be followed by a Sunday navigation class which includes an in-pool dive session to practice navigation skills.
Students must participate in the Saturday Civics Explorer class to be eligible for the Sunday dive class.
What To Bring To Class
A great attitude!
Bags, gloves, and grabbers will be provided for the dive-site clean up.
Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, watermelon, and cookies will be provided for the BBQ lunch for students and parents.
The price is $110 - added fee for supplies and lunch