SSI Scuba Explorers - Nudibranch Ecology
A continuation of the SCUBA Explorer program: This course will help explore the world of nudibranchs and deepen your understanding of these extraordinary creatures.
What To Do Before Class:
Participants must have already completed the introductory, three day SSI Scuba Explorers Program. All waivers must be signed and there must be a current parent or guardian-signed waiver on file.
If it has been close or at least one year since last completed, please update the Diver Medical / Participant Questionnaire at:
What to Expect In Class
The classroom session where students will learn how to classify, learn about their eating habits, their unique respiratory systems, and complex reproductive systems. Discover their important role in the eco system and the current research and conservation efforts.
The classroom session will then be followed by an in-pool dive session where students will explore our own simulated underwater reef to get an idea of what kinds of wonders are awaiting us underwater!
What To Bring To Class
Swimsuit, towel, mask, snorkel, and fins.
Scuba Explorer book.
Snack or lunch and a water bottle.
Dry clothes to change into and shower supplies if desired.
The price is $100