1-800-4-DOLPHIN (1-800-436-5744)



Wrecks are hidden treasure troves lying beneath the waves. Countless man-made vessels have sunk, either intentionally or accidentally, providing unique opportunities to dive among the remains of human history. These wrecks provide us with endless opportunities for exploration, but they may have hidden hazards. To safely dive on a wreck, a diver must be aware of these hazards, and have additional knowledge and experience to correctly evaluate them. Taking the SSI Wreck Diving program provides you with in-depth information on the necessary skills, equipment, knowledge and experience required to safely conduct non-penetration wreck dives. If you are interested in wreck penetration, this program is a prerequisite for the SSI Extended Range Advanced Wreck Diving program.

SSI Wreck Diving Course

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Wrecks are hidden treasure troves lying beneath the waves. Countless man-made vessels have sunk, either intentionally or accidentally, providing unique opportunities to dive among the remains of human history. These wrecks provide us with endless opportunities for exploration, but they may have hidden hazards. To safely dive on a wreck, a diver must be aware of these hazards, and have additional knowledge and experience to correctly evaluate them. Taking the SSI Wreck Diving program provides you with in-depth information on the necessary skills, equipment, knowledge and experience required to safely conduct non-penetration wreck dives. If you are interested in wreck penetration, this program is a prerequisite for the SSI Extended Range Advanced Wreck Diving program.